About Me

Meet Passionate Homemaker

About Me

I’m Sarah, a blessed wife and mommy to my precious children.
I’m first and foremost a child of God. I’m passionate about glorifying Him and making the most of my days on this earth. All I have and all I am is thanks to my Creator and Redeemer

My Frugal Journey

When I was first introduced to couponing, at first I thought there is no way I have time to do this, but in all actuality, it's not as hard as it sounds.  I soon became excited about what kind of deals I could come up with and all sorts of creative ways to pinch pennies. I didn’t always enjoy barely making ends meet, but I certainly loved the thrill of getting the best bang for my buck.

When I’m not homeschooling my children, raising puppies, indulging in my passion for photography, making crafts,  bargain-shopping, or blogging, I enjoy tweaking recipes and making freezer meals, engaging in thought-provoking discussions, trying to keep up with politics, enjoying dark chocolate, drinking a hot cup of coffee while reading a good book, or spending a quiet day at home with my family.

I like to keep it simple. I like to laugh, and most of all, I love the Lord and my family. And that pretty much sums it up.