Monday, August 12, 2013

Walmart: Rimmel Nail Polish $0.50

Rimmel Nail Polish priced at $1.50 (note: Walmart pricing not always the same)
Use the $1/1 Rimmel Eye, Face, or Nail coupon found in the 8/11 RP
Final cost only $0.50!

Dyson DC25 Review

It has been several months since my last excuses, other than being busy....but aren't we all! :) My plan is to start blogging more this Fall. I am going to give myself a goal of at least 2-4 posts per day....I know that isn't really all that much, but I need baby steps here. Some of my posts will be my review of a specific product, it may be a warning to stay away from that particular product or a two thumbs up review. This way, my readers can be informed before purchasing a certain item. (note: my reviews here are my thoughts and opinions only! Thank you for being patient with me and such great readers.

My Review Of The : Dyson DC25 Vaccuum

My Favorite Aspects Are: 
* Strong Suction
* Easy To Empty Canister (One handed if need be)
* Cleaning Filters once a month
* Easy to maneuver (the ball makes is glide through the house)
* Not very loud (makes me happy)

The Dyson DC25 Vaccuum is well worth the higher price you will pay. I have had mine for three years now and it have NEVER broken down or had any issue arise, it also has never lost suction. It is a GREAT Vaccuum and I would recommend it to anyone who is in the market for a new Vaccuum cleaner.